
Marmot Kompressor Plus 2014


Old model ( I sewed waist belt ) and New one

Marmot Kompressor Plus2014の大きな改良点は雨蓋のポケットのジッパーの方向だろう。横向きになったので、物を落としにくい。また、少し下部が小さくなったようだ。それでフィット感が優れている。ただ、改悪された所が一カ所ある。荷物のコンプレッションベルトの起点がバックパックの上方に移動され、上の方しか絞ることができない。

New one ( black 2014 model ) is a little narrow, horizontal zipper at the lid, added waist belt, different plastic parts, and small modifications.


I dislike the compression belts of new type, therefore I removed them and sewed V-shaped new compression belts.

横から見たところ。Side view of new compression belts.


I adhered the solid plastic foam pad to the original pad, because it was too soft.


梨状筋症候群 Priformis Muscle Syndrome


I could not run, since I was attacked by the pain at the muscles of the left buttock just before the landing. Therefore I searched the site which described the similar condition. It was piriformis syndrome.  I did not visit a hospital as usual, but I was convinced that my symptoms is piriformis syndrome. There were many Web site in Japan. Chiropractic laboratory may be contain a reliable content, but Chiropractic has few scientific evidence. I cannot trust such a site.


Therefore, I decided to consult some scientific papers. It is easy to acquire the recent scientific knowledge, since there is a database these days.  What is necessary is just to access a scientific database (PubMed is no charge), and to read a few of  systematic reviews. Specialist integrates statistically two or more reliable randomized comparative studies and criticizes and evaluates them in the systematic review.  Therefore, if I read some systematic reviews, I can obtain the most advanced knowledge of the specific field. I put "piriformis syndrome" in the search windows, and set the condition as systematic review and availability of whole sentence, I found 202 papers. Then, I read four of them. 


梨状筋症候群とは、大臀筋の内部にある梨状筋によって座骨神経が圧迫され、尻や脚に痛みがある症状群とされている。ただし、その診断基準は曖昧で、Miller, White, and Ross(2012) は次の5つの基準を提案している。
  1. 脚と尻の痛みが座ったり、階段を登ったり、脚を組むと悪化する。
  2. 触診で梨状筋領域の痛みと敏感さがあり、梨状筋を緊張させると痛みが増す。
  3. 電気生理学テストで、座骨神経に軸索の喪失がないこと。
  4. 現在の座骨神経痛を説明する他の異常(腫瘍、神経根障害など)がないこと。
  5. 画像診断を元に梨状筋に筋肉注射すると、痛みの軽減が60%以上みられること。

Diagnosis of Priformis Syndrome

The priformis syndrome may be defined as a neuromuscular disorder that is presumed to occur when the sciatic nerve is compressed or involved at the level of piriform muscle which is located in the inside of gluteus maxiums.  However, the diagnostic criteria is ambiguous.  Miller, White, and Ross (2012) proposed the following five criteria.
  1. Buttock and leg pain made worse with sitting, stair climbing and/or leg crossing.
  2. Pain and tenderness to palpation of the sciatic notch area(priformis muscle ) and pain with increased priformis muscle.
  3. No evidence of axonal loss to the sciatic nerve on  electrophysiological testing.
  4. No evidence of abnormal imaging or other entity that could explain the presenting features of sciatica.
  5. Reduction of  >60% of buttock and leg pain with diagnostic injection into the priformis muscle under radiographic imaging and EMG guidance
When there is no diagnostic equipment, the exact diagnosis is difficult. In my case, the condition of 1 and 2 are applicable. My buttock pain is limited in running, therefore, my syndrome is a very early stage. My priformis muscle is tight, and I feel pain in this muscle. When other organic injury do not exist, my pain must be the priformis syndrome.

A technique of stretching for priformis muscle syndrome.


ランダム化比較研究による治療研究はほとんどないが、Michel, Decavel, Toussirot, Tatu, Aleton, Monnier, Garbuio, and Parratte(2013). の治療研究があった。梨状筋症候群の患者は250名、統制群として30名の患者(神経の脊椎による圧迫)と正常者30名で、臨床的評価尺度を用いていた。治療期間は3カ月だが、梨状筋のエクササイズとストレッチ、および、薬物によるリハビリで、51%の患者の座骨神経痛が4週間で、臀部の痛みが7週間で消滅した。症状の消えなかった残りの患者には6週間後に梨状筋にボツリヌストキシンを注射した。一度の注射で回復したのは51名(42%)で、注射は5回まで行った。この治療で改善しなかったのは19名で、そのうち、15名が梨状筋の切断という手術を受け、12名で回復した。



There is almost no randomized control trial of the treatment, but Michel, Decavel, Toussirot, Tatu, Aleton, Monnier, Garbuio, and Parratte(2013) carried out a large-scale intervention study. 250 patients,  30 control patients with disco-radicular conflict, and 30 healthy control subjects were enrolled. The syndrome was measured by 12-points clinical scoring system.  After 3 months treatment using medication and rehabilitation, the sciatic pain was completely disappeared in
128 patients ( 51% ). The sciatic pain was disappeared after an average period of 4 weeks, and buttock pain was disappeared after an average period of 7 weeks. The remaining 122 (48.8%) patients were treated with OnaboutulinumtoxinA injection.  Only 19 patients were unresponsive to this treatment. Fifteen patents underwent surgery. Very good evaluation resulted in 12 cases.

In summary, almost all the case (93%) will be treated successfully with the rehabilitation of priformis muscle and  OnaboutulinumtoxinA.  Fundamentally, the prognosis of piriformis syndrome is good. The recovery may be observed in about one month.